Tag Archives: Beth Davis

For Immediate Release: Take Your Business to the Next Level

  Tulsa, Ok Business Owner Publishes

 Online Referral Success Magazine Todd and Beth Davis


Tulsa, OK January 28, 2009Beth Davis, CEO and Founder of Gold Star Referral

Clubs has taken Referral Marketing to the next level. Beth has created a

publication for Business Professionals to study and increase their productivity.

Referral Success Magazine is a free publication offered on a monthly basis

accessible at, www.referralsuccessmagazine.com

Referral Success Magazine: is an online magazine offering a new and exciting

vehicle for the best in referral advice, referral systems and referral marketing

education. This magazine is not only informative but it is one of a kind, there is

nothing like it on the market today.

Referral Success Magazine: Offers tried and true methods that have been

proven to work in business. In the magazine you will find success stories about

 groups, clubs and chapters from all over the country featuring industry leaders

such as Ivan Misner and BNI, and Beth Davis and Gold Star Referral Clubs.

Referral Success Magazine: Will offer tips to learning how to increase your

business with Social Networking Techniques and capture the secrets to getting

more customers to refer business to you.

Referral Success Magazine: Has been produced for business professionals

 who participate in networking on a regular basis.

“Why Survive When You Can Thrive” is the motto of Referral Success Magazine.

Referral Marketing is a way of empowering other people to promote your business

 on your behalf and you doing the same for them.

Based on the Know, Like and Trust Factor. Business Professionals can subscribe

 for free at subscribe@referralsuccessmagazine.com

 Beth Davis is the founder of Referral Success Magazine. Gold Star Referral Clubs

is a nationwide networking organization that was developed in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

 Beth has consulted and trained hundreds of businesses on how to have referral

success. Currently, there are three hundred Gold Star Members in Tulsa.

 For more information contact: Teresa Kelch
Administrative Assistant to Beth Davis




4 Tips for a Better Presentation


Become the Default “EXPERT”:  Speak Better- and get invited back!




 michael and Mayor Taylor


Mayor Kathy Taylor and Michael Butler in Tulsa, Ok




One of the greatest fears is the FEAR of Public Speaking.  


Those who master this skill will excel in career and in life.  Being a better presenter will increase your sales; get you invited back and make YOU the service provider of choice when people need your specialty.   


Let’s be honest.  People judge us, pay us, and relate to us based on our ability to effectively communicate.  At home, at the office and in the trenches, we need to clearly state what we want and need in order to eliminate frustration. Good communication skills will enrich your life.


In grade school, I became shy, depressed and withdrawn.  I recoiled from other children.  I had felt their rejection and disdain. Why?  I stuttered.  I tried to communicate but I stammered and couldn’t speak.  There was no greater frustration for me.


Sometimes, I felt like a raging volcano about to explode when I couldn’t get a word out, no matter how hard I tried.


However, I noticed that when I was truly passionate about something, I stuttered less. I also realized that I relaxed and had an easier time speaking when I just spoke from my heart and didn’t try to be something or someone I wasn’t.


Over the years, speaking became easier and my fears started to subside. In fact, I found that the more I spoke in front of people the less I stumbled over words. I would listen to anyone that would tell me a story. Then I’d turn around and retell it.  I discovered that when I told stories, I barely took a breath between words.


By 7th grade I was able to give a demonstrative speech about weather forecasting and the use of barometers, weather vanes and other meteorological instruments without a hitch.  I even received an “A”!  


The fear disappears when you learn to step-up and speak-up about what you’re passionate about.


There were many things that happened in my life from “Point A” to “Point B” that gave me confidence as a person to overcome life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups.  But, let me simplify it by saying that thankfully, I was able to tap into my potential and confidence by discovering my true passion in life, which today is speaking. 


4 PRACTICAL TIPS that will help you become a better speaker TODAY:


1.  Speak from the Heart.  Discover your TRUE passion and speak from the heart.


2. Start Talking.  Practice makes perfect. It really DOES get easier if you keep doing it.  Volunteer to speak at: Scouts, PTA, Church, School functions, Civic groups, anywhere and everywhere.  Join Toastmasters or take a public speaking course at your local community college.


3.  Become a better listener.  It’s true that the best communicators really are the best listeners. 


4.  Become a great story-teller.  People will remember the stories you tell long after your presentation has been forgotten. 


   Discover your true passion, live life deeply, communicate more often, communicate more fully and reap the rewards.  Hopefully, this short article has motivated you.  By instilling confidence you can set yourself apart as the EXPERT, get the respect you deserve and realize your full income potential as a respected professional in your field. For more information on communicating in business go to http://www.referralsuccessmagazine.com and be watching for my new book: “Confidence in Public Speaking” coming out later this year.  http://www.MichaelDButler.com