Follow The Path To Success With Twitter, Gain More Speaking Engagements, PR and New Business



Now is the time for Public Speakers to rise up and catch the Twitter fever. Its viral marketing to the maximum power. Have you ever seen a hummingbird move at the speed of light? This is what twitter is like, and it is changing how the end consumer receives information.  Using Twitter to publicize your news, updates, and timely information is the most cost effective tool available right now. Get involved or get left behind. Its true,  your followers are waiting to hear. What are your doing? What is going on with your business, events and engagements?  

Creating a Visual Impact on Twitter

 Showcase your Bio with, link your Twitter to your Website and prepare yourself  to engage consumers online using social microblogging. 

Twitter is showing us that media attention is just a tweet away.Your  Twitter homepage will show up in the Google search so take advantage and use this Search Engine Optimization aspect to market the business of Public Speaking. Be sure that you are following reporters who cover your industry and market and tweet them with upcoming events. Today’s journalist are giving more attention to twitter with instant messages than traditional press releases via email. But use with discretion, and don’t abuse your connections.

As a Public Speaker make yourself an industry expert, and share helpful information with links. When you become the expert , people listen. Be clever, tweeple are savvy, they will take notice if you are savvy too. 


Michael Butler is a Networker, Author, Speaker, Life Coach, Gold Star Referral Clubs Director,, MLM Success Mentor, Tulsa, OK Dallas, TX San Antonio Houston. Follow him on Twitter @

One response to “Follow The Path To Success With Twitter, Gain More Speaking Engagements, PR and New Business

  1. Brian Beehler

    Great suggestions Michael! Thanks for the advice I will try to implement your ideas…


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